Selected Publications

Reprints, when available, are for your personal use only. Alternatively, contact me.

If you want to (or are forced to?) read just a few papers, try these:

(1) Mamassian, P. (2008). Ambiguities and conventions in the perception of visual art. Vision Research, 48(20), 2143-2153. [journal] [pubmed] [cognitivedaily] [apa] [pdf]

(2) Mamassian, P. (2008). Overconfidence in an objective anticipatory motor task. Psychological Science, 19(6), 601-606. [journal] [pubmed] [eurekalert] [pdf]

(3) Mamassian, P. and Goutcher, R. (2005). Temporal dynamics in bistable perception. Journal of Vision, 5, 361-375., doi:10.1167/5.4.7. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

(4) Mamassian, P., Landy, M. S. and Maloney, L. T. (2002).  Bayesian modelling of visual perception. In R. Rao, B. Olshausen and M. Lewicki (Eds.) Probabilistic Models of the Brain: Perception and Neural Function (pp. 13-36). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [book] [pdf]

(5) Mamassian, P. and Goutcher, R. (2001).  Prior knowledge on the illumination position.  Cognition, 81, B1-B9. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Refereed Papers

Alais, D., Newell, F. N. and Mamassian, P. (2010). Multisensory processing in review: From physiology to behavior. Seeing and Perceiving, 23, 3-38. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Mamassian, P. and de Montalembert, M. (2010). A simple model of the vertical-horizontal illusion. Vision Research, 50, 956-962. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Gorea, A., Mamassian, P. and Cardoso-Leite, P. (2010). Introspective duration estimation of reactive and proactive motor responses. Acta Psychologica, 134, 142-153. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

de Montalembert, M., Auclair, L. and Mamassian, P. (2010). "Where is the sun" for hemi-neglect patients? Brain and Cognition, 72, 264-270. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Barthelmé, S. and Mamassian, P. (2009). Evaluation of objective uncertainty in the visual system. PLoS Computational Biology, 5(9): e1000504. doi:10.1371/journal.pci.1000504. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf] [supp.pdf]

Maloney, L. T. and Mamassian, P. (2009). Bayesian decision theory as a model of human visual perception: Testing Bayesian transfer. Visual Neuroscience, 26, 147-155. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Cardoso-Leite, P., Mamassian, P. and Gorea, A. (2009). Comparison of perceptual and motor latencies via anticipatory and reactive response times. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 71(1), 82-94. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Andersen, T. S. and Mamassian, P. (2008). Audiovisual integration of stimulus transients. Vision Research, 48(25), 2537-2544. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Fagard, J., Sacco, S., Yvenou, C., Domellöf, E., Kieffer, V., Tordjman, S., Moutard, M. L. and Mamassian, P. (2008). The role of the corpus callosum in the perception of reversible figures in children. Vision Research, 48(23-24), 2451-2455. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Fagard, J., Monzalvo-Lopez, K. and Mamassian, P. (2008). Relationship between eye preference and binocular rivalry, and between eye-hand preference and reading ability in children. Developmental Psychobiology, 50(8), 789-798. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Mamassian, P. (2008). Ambiguities and conventions in the perception of visual art. Vision Research, 48(20), 2143-2153. [journal] [pubmed] [cognitivedaily] [apa] [pdf]

Mamassian, P. (2008). Overconfidence in an objective anticipatory motor task. Psychological Science, 19(6), 601-606. [journal] [pubmed] [eurekalert] [pdf]

Brenner, E., Mamassian, P. and Smeets, J. B. J. (2008). If I saw it, it probably wasn’t far from where I was looking. Journal of Vision, 8(2):7, 1-10. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Tordjman, S., Guignard, J.-H., Seligmann, C., Vanroye, E., Nevoux, G., Fagard, J., Gorea, A., Mamassian, P., Cavanagh, P. and Lebreton, S. (2008). Diagnosis of hyperactivity disorder in gifted children depends on observational sources. Gifted and Talented International, 22, 62-67.

McCormick, D. and Mamassian, P. (2008). What does the illusory-flash look like? Vision Research, 48, 63-69. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Montagnini, A., Mamassian, P., Perrinet, L., Castet, E., and Masson, G. S. (2007). Bayesian modelling of dynamic motion integration. Journal of Physiology - Paris, 101, 64-77. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Gerardin, P., de Montalembert, M., and Mamassian, P. (2007). Shape from shading: New perspectives from the Polo Mint stimulus. Journal of Vision, 7(11):13, 1-11,, doi:10.1167/7.11.13. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Cardoso-Leite, P., Gorea, A. and Mamassian, P. (2007). Temporal order judgment and simple raction times: Evidence for a common processing system. Journal of Vision, 7(6):11, 1-14., doi:10.1167/7.6.11. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Landy, M. S., Goutcher, R., Trommershäuser, J. and Mamassian, P. (2007). Visual estimation under risk. Journal of Vision, 7(6):4, 1-15., doi:10.1167/7.6.4. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Mamassian, P. (2006). Bayesian inference of form and shape. Progress in Brain Research, 154, 265-270. [pubmed] [pdf]

Mamassian, P. (2006). Métamères perceptifs et perception bistable. Intellectica, 43, 73-77. [journal] [pdf]

Goutcher, R. and Mamassian, P. (2006). Temporal dynamics of stereo correspondence bi-stability. Vision Research, 46, 3575-3585. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Mamassian, P. and Goutcher, R. (2005). Temporal dynamics in bistable perception. Journal of Vision, 5, 361-375., doi:10.1167/5.4.7. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Goutcher, R. and Mamassian, P. (2005). Selective biasing of stereo correspondence in an ambiguous stereogram. Vision Research, 45, 469-483. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Mamassian, P. (2004). Impossible shadows and the shadow correspondence problem. Perception, 33, 1279-1290. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Adams, W. J. and Mamassian, P. (2004).  Bayesian combination of ambiguous shape cues. Journal of Vision, 4, 921-929., doi:10.1167/4.10.7. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Gosselin, F., Bacon, B. A. and Mamassian, P. (2004). Internal surface representations approximated by reverse correlation. Vision Research, 44, 2515-2520. [pubmed] [pdf]

Wallace, J. M. & Mamassian, P. (2004).  The efficiency of depth discrimination for non-transparent and transparent stereoscopic surfaces. Vision Research, 44, 2253-2267. [pubmed] [pdf]

Champion, R. A., Simmons, D. R. & Mamassian, P. (2004).  The influence of object size and surface shape on shape constancy from stereo.  Perception, 33, 237-247. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Adams, W. & Mamassian, P. (2004).  The effect of task and saliency on latencies for colour and motion processing.  Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B, 271, 139-146. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Kersten, D., Mamassian, P. & Yuille, A. (2004). Object perception as Bayesian inference.  Annual Review of Psychology, 55, 271-304. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Champion, R. A., Brenner, E., Mamassian, P. & Simmons, D. R. (2004). No evidence for sequential effects of the interaction of stereo and motion cues in judgements of perceived shape.  Vision Research, 44, 483-487. [pubmed] [pdf]

Lages, M., Mamassian, P. & Graf, E. W. (2003).  Spatial and temporal tuning of motion in depth.  Vision Research, 43, 2861-2873. [pubmed] [pdf]

Wallace, J. M. & Mamassian, P. (2003).  The efficiency of speed discrimination for coherent and transparent motion.  Vision Research, 43, 2795-2810. [pubmed] [pdf]

Mamassian, P., Jentzsch, I., Bacon, B. A. & Schweinberger, S. (2003).  Neural correlates of shape from shading.  NeuroReport, 14, 971-975. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

van Ee, R., Adams, W. J. & Mamassian, P. (2003).  Bayesian modeling of cue interaction: Bistability in stereoscopic slant perception.  Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, 20, 1398-1406. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Adams, W. J. & Mamassian, P. (2002).  Common mechanisms for 2D tilt and 3D slant after-effects.  Vision Research, 42, 2563-2568. [pubmed] [pdf]

Bacon, B. A. & Mamassian, P. (2002).  Amodal completion and the perception of depth without binocular correspondence.  Perception, 31, 1037-1045. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Mamassian, P. & Landy, M. S. (2001).  Interaction of visual prior constraints.  Vision Research, 41, 2653-2668. [pubmed] [pdf]

Mamassian, P. & Goutcher, R. (2001).  Prior knowledge on the illumination position.  Cognition, 81, B1-B9. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Mamassian, P. & Landy, M. S. (1998).  Observer biases in the 3D interpretation of line drawings.  Vision Research, 38, 2817-2832. [pubmed] [pdf]

Mamassian, P., Knill, D. C. & Kersten, D. (1998).  The perception of cast shadows.  Trends in Cognitive Sciences,2, 288-295. [journal] [pdf]

Kersten, D., Mamassian, P. & Knill, D. C. (1997).  Moving cast shadows induce apparent motion in depth.  Perception, 26, 171-192. [journal] [pubmed]

Knill, D. C., Mamassian, P. & Kersten, D. (1997).  Geometry of shadows.  Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, 14, 3216-3232. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Mamassian, P. (1997).  Prehension of objects oriented in three-dimensional space.  Experimental Brain Research, 114, 235-245. [journal] [pubmed] [pdf]

Mamassian, P. & Kersten, D. (1996).  Illumination, shading and the perception of local orientation. Vision Research, 36, 2351-2367. [pubmed] [pdf]

Mamassian, P., Kersten, D. & Knill, D. C. (1996).  Categorical local shape perception.  Perception, 25, 95-107. [journal] [pubmed]

Kersten, D., Knill, D. C., Mamassian, P. & Bülthoff, I. (1996).  Illusory motion from shadows. Nature, 379, 31. [journal] [pubmed]


Book Chapters

Kersten, D. and Mamassian, P. (2009). Ideal observer theory. In L. R. Squire (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, volume 5 (pp. 89-95). Oxford: Academic Press.

Mamassian, P., Landy, M. S. and Maloney, L. T. (2002).  Bayesian modelling of visual perception. In R. Rao, B. Olshausen and M. Lewicki (Eds.) Probabilistic Models of the Brain: Perception and Neural Function (pp. 13-36). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [book] [pdf]

Knill, D. C., Kersten, D. and Mamassian, P. (1996).  Implications of a Bayesian formulation of visual information processing for psychophysics. In D. C. Knill and W. Richards (Eds.) Perception as Bayesian Inference (pp. 239-286). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Mamassian, P. (1993).  Isophotes on a smooth surface related to scene geometry. In B.C. Vemuri (Ed.), Geometric Methods in Computer Vision II, Vol. 2031 (pp. 124-133). Bellingham, WA: SPIE.

Other Publications

Mamassian, P. (2002).  Review of Goldstein, E. B. (Ed.) (2001). Blackwell Handbook of Perception. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.  The Quaterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, A: Human Experimental Psychology, 55A, 1049-1050. [journal] [pdf]

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