Assumed Illumination Position

Knowing the position of the light source is essential to understand a three-dimensional scene but this knowledge is very difficult to extract from an image. Human observers assume by default that light comes from above their head, and also slightly from the left. We have been interested in the consequences of the use of such a prior knowledge and looked for the neural correlates of this assumption.


Ross Goutcher and Ines Jentzsch.

Further references:

Mamassian, P. (2004).  Impossible shadows and the shadow correspondence problem. Perception, 33, 1279-1290.

Mamassian, P. & Goutcher, R. (2001).  Prior knowledge on the illumination position.  Cognition, 81, B1-B9.

Mamassian, P., Jentzsch, I., Bacon, B. A. & Schweinberger, S. (2003).  Neural correlates of shape from shading.  NeuroReport, 14, 971-975.


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